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Sister's Friend 2 full video with English translation

Title: Watching "Sister's Friend 2" with English Translation

If you're looking for the complete video of "Sister's Friend 2" with English translation, you've come to the right place! In this article, I'll guide you through the process of watching the video and provide a detailed English translation for each scene.

Firstly, it's important to note that "Sister's Friend 2" is a popular Chinese TV series that tells the story of two sisters and their relationships with their friends. The show is known for its interesting characters, storyline, and of course, the beautiful visuals.

To watch the video, you can either search for it online or find it on your favorite video streaming platform. Once you have the video playing, you can start watching it in English by turning on the English subtitles. This will help you understand the dialogue and plot of the show.

As you watch the video, I'll provide a detailed English translation for each scene. This will help you better understand the storyline and characters of the show. You can either read my translations as you watch the video or use them as a reference when needed.

Scene 1: The two sisters are talking in their room. One sister says, "I wish I could go to Japan with you." The other sister replies, "Me too, but we have to focus on our studies first."

English Translation:

"I wish I could go to Japan with you." - "我希望我能和你一起去日本。"

"Me too, but we have to focus on our studies first." - "我也是,但我们必须先专注于我们的学业。"

Scene 2: The two sisters are walking through the schoolyard. One sister says, "Do you think he likes me?" The other sister replies, "Who knows? But if he does, it could affect our friendship."

English Translation:

"Do you think he likes me?" - "你认为他喜欢我吗?"

"Who knows? But if he does, it could affect our friendship." - "谁知道?但如果他喜欢,这可能会影响我们的友谊。"

Scene 3: The two sisters are sitting in their room, looking at some photos. One sister says, "Remember when we first met? We were so nervous." The other sister replies, "Yeah, but now we're so close."

English Translation:

"Remember when we first met? We were so nervous." - "记得我们第一次见面时吗?我们很紧张。"

"Yeah, but now we're so close." - "是的,但现在我们如此亲密。"

Scene 4: The two sisters are talking on the phone. One sister says, "I can't believe I'm actually going to Japan!" The other sister replies, "Me either! But we have to be careful there."

English Translation:

"I can't believe I'm actually going to Japan!" - "我不敢相信我真的要去日本了!"

"Me either! But we have to be careful there." - "我也是!但我们必须在那里小心。"

Scene 5: The two sisters are walking through the airport. One sister says, "Are you sure you want to go with me?" The other sister replies, "Of course! We're going to have so much fun!"

English Translation:

"Are you sure you want to go with me?" - "你确定要和我一起去吗?"

"Of course! We're going to have so much fun!" - "我们会有那么多乐趣!"

Scene 6: The two sisters are in Japan, looking at some landmarks. One sister says, "I can't believe we're actually in Japan!" The other sister replies, "Me either! But let's enjoy it while it lasts."

English Translation:

"I can't believe we're actually in Japan!" - "我不敢相信我们实际上在日本!"

"Me either! But let's enjoy it while it lasts." - "我也是!但让我们在它还持续的时候享受它。"

Scene 7: The two sisters are talking in their hotel room. One sister says, "Do you think we should go back home now?" The other sister replies, "No way! We have to stay here and explore more!"

English Translation:

"Do you think we should go back home now?" - "你认为我们现在应该回家吗?"

"No way! We have to stay here and explore more!" - "没门!我们必须留在这里,探索更多!"

Scene 8: The two sisters are walking through the streets of Japan. One sister says, "I wish I could stay here forever!" The other sister replies, "Me too, but we have to go back home eventually."

English Translation:

"I wish I could stay here forever!" - "我希望我能

标签: 姐姐的朋友2完整视频有翻译英文
